Thursday, February 10, 2011

A night in Bollywood

So i made a promise a couple of weeks ago about how i'd post a few times a week.. ahahaha. oops.
Well i have a good excuse. my laptop screen was a casualty in a furniture moving incident. i now have said laptop hooked up to an old chunky monitor, and it''l have to do for now.

ANYWAY. i had the most AMAZING 21st birthday party !!
these are some of the "official" photos from my party... ENJOY !

nb: im the blonde.. ;).

2 of my closest & oldest friends, Elli & Justine

Rachel, Nicci & Kim

Anna & Joanne 

Henna hands ! i had the only authentic ones though ;) (top right)


gotta love the awkward leans & belly laughs !

i love this shot. 

i look more hippie than bollywood here.. no complaints though !

Melissa & Katrina

Philly & Melissa

i reckon Philly looks Jewish.. so beautiful !

don't forget the monkey faces

Micah & Rachel

my prayer circle :)

my 17 year old cousin Rachel & my grandma made my dress  

Michelle & Kat

Simeon & Anna

and my friend the photographer Michelle from What is this in my hand?
she takes amazing photos so be sure to check out her blog !

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!! Your party looks super fun, neat theme :) I love when people go all out when it comes to party things, and I'm sure your friends had an awesome time.

    Ohh and I KNOW how it is with trying to blog consistently.... I'm trying to catch back up with mine!
