Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My cup overflows.. with cookies?

Every day is an adventure.

some people see everything through a scratchy lens; the cup is always half empty & there's always something to complain about.

i dropped my laptop on the kitchen floor.
i ate too much sugar.
i didn't go to the gym.
i didn't go hang out with any friends.
it rained all day.

but honestly, i'd so rather see the cup half full. why not fully full ? why not overflowing ? 

"you anoint my head with oil;my cup overflows." psalm 23:5

(biblical reference WIN)

my laptop fell on the floor at reasonably high velocity, & it didn't break !
i made the most delicious cookies (and i never bake so im STOKED ^-^)
i had a lovely restful day watching some really good dvds.
i enjoyed some quality alone time, & then got to hang out with family.
the heat dropped significantly & i finally had  a day where i wasn't constantly sticky with sweat. 
it's lots of fun. it can even turn the most crappiest day into an interesting adventure.

now you try it :)

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